Transmita y venda su música en todo el mundo

MusicDigi makes it easy to get your music into digital stores & streaming services.

Distribute your music everywhere

Release your music to every major music service including Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, Tidal, Amazon, TikTok, Instagram and more.

Llega a fans de todo el mundo

Lanzamientos ilimitados

Release as many songs as you want for just $59.99 a year.

Fast Music Distribution

Upload your song and get it on all the major music services rapidly.

Keep 100% Ownership

You always keep ALL rights to your music. Your music is yours and it will remain that way.

Access Insights

Easily monitor your streams, downloads and more, all in one place.

Reciba pagos mensuales

Get paid each month and see detailed breakdowns of how much money your music is making.

Promociona tu música

Pitch to playlists, smart release pages and other major label marketing tools.

Con la confianza de miles de artistas
y etiquetas

MusicDigi is easy to work with and it's easy to overview and fast and also the team management is cool:)

— Artist

MusicDigi cares about the artist knowing all the details about their Royalties. I love that they give us a full detailed royalty statement. Plus 100% to the artist....hell yea!!!

Eryn Woods
— Artist

MusicDigi is overall a great platform. Very helpful and easy to work with. The love is genuine with MusicDigi and I feel like they overall just want to help. I am thankful to work with them.

— Artist

So thankful I stumbled upon MusicDigi.. it makes releasing my music a much more consistent process!

Mark Stokes
— Artist

MusicDigi me ha permitido distribuir mi música a nivel internacional , dándome las facilidades para ello.

King Dest
— Artist