Vende tu música

Get your music on Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, TIDAL, TikTok, Amazon, and more.

Regístrate ahora

Cómo vender música en línea

1. Sube tu música

Upload your tracks and release details in a matter of minutes.

2. We Distribute It

MusicDigi will send your release to all the major music services worldwide.

3. Te pagan

Earn money every time your music gets streamed or downloaded.

Libera música ilimitada en todas partes

For As low as $1.66/mo

Distribuya y venda su música en las principales tiendas y servicios de transmisión en todo el mundo.

  • Lanzamientos ilimitados
  • Reciba pagos mensuales
  • Keep 100% Royalties
  • Lanzamiento a plataformas sociales
  • Informe de ventas mensuales y datos de tendencias
  • Códigos UPC e ISRC gratuitos

A plan for everyone!


$1.66 / mo $19.99 billed annually
  • ✓ Lanzamientos ilimitados
  • ✓ Keep 100% Royalties
  • ✓ 1 Artist


$8.33 / mo $99.99 billed annually
  • ✓ Access to all Pro features

¿Por qué Music Digi?

Distribución mundial

We deliver your music to over 200+ major streaming platforms around the world.

Stay In Control

You maintain 100% ownership of your music and royalties — you’re in full control.

Detailed Reporting

Track your performance across different stores and territories with in depth reporting.

Promotional Toolss

Get access to many features: Presaves, Smartlinks, Playlist Pitching and much more!

Con la confianza de miles de artistas
y etiquetas

So thankful I stumbled upon MusicDigi.. it makes releasing my music a much more consistent process!

Mark Stokes
— Artist

MusicDigi is overall a great platform. Very helpful and easy to work with. The love is genuine with MusicDigi and I feel like they overall just want to help. I am thankful to work with them.

— Artist

MusicDigi me ha permitido distribuir mi música a nivel internacional , dándome las facilidades para ello.

King Dest
— Artist

MusicDigi cares about the artist knowing all the details about their Royalties. I love that they give us a full detailed royalty statement. Plus 100% to the artist....hell yea!!!

Eryn Woods
— Artist

MusicDigi is easy to work with and it's easy to overview and fast and also the team management is cool:)

— Artist