Venda sua música

Get your music on Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, TIDAL, TikTok, Amazon, and more.

Inscreva-se agora

Como Vender Música Online

1. Envie sua música

Upload your tracks and release details in a matter of minutes.

2. We Distribute It

MusicDigi will send your release to all the major music services worldwide.

3. Você é pago

Earn money every time your music gets streamed or downloaded.

Libere músicas ilimitadas em todos os lugares

For As low as $1.66/mo

Distribua e venda sua música em todas as principais lojas e serviços de streaming em todo o mundo.

  • Lançamentos Ilimitados
  • Receba mensalmente
  • Keep 100% Royalties
  • Liberação para plataformas sociais
  • Relatório mensal de vendas e dados de tendências
  • Códigos UPC e ISRC gratuitos

A plan for everyone!


$1.66 / mo $19.99 billed annually
  • ✓ Lançamentos Ilimitados
  • ✓ Keep 100% Royalties
  • ✓ 1 Artist


$8.33 / mo $99.99 billed annually
  • ✓ Access to all Pro features

Por que MusicDigi?

Distribuição mundial

We deliver your music to over 200+ major streaming platforms around the world.

Stay In Control

You maintain 100% ownership of your music and royalties — you’re in full control.

Detailed Reporting

Track your performance across different stores and territories with in depth reporting.

Promotional Toolss

Get access to many features: Presaves, Smartlinks, Playlist Pitching and much more!

Confiado por milhares de artistas
e rótulos

MusicDigi is easy to work with and it's easy to overview and fast and also the team management is cool:)

— Artist

So thankful I stumbled upon MusicDigi.. it makes releasing my music a much more consistent process!

Mark Stokes
— Artist

MusicDigi cares about the artist knowing all the details about their Royalties. I love that they give us a full detailed royalty statement. Plus 100% to the artist....hell yea!!!

Eryn Woods
— Artist

MusicDigi is overall a great platform. Very helpful and easy to work with. The love is genuine with MusicDigi and I feel like they overall just want to help. I am thankful to work with them.

— Artist

MusicDigi me ha permitido distribuir mi música a nivel internacional , dándome las facilidades para ello.

King Dest
— Artist