Choose a Plan!


$1.66 / mo $19.99 billed annually
  • ✓ Lançamentos Ilimitados
  • ✓ Keep 100% Royalties
  • ✓ 1 Artist


$8.33 / mo $99.99 billed annually
  • ✓ Access to all Pro features

O que está incluído

Starter Pro Label
Unlimited Releases to Digital Stores
100% Royalties
Use your own ISRC
Distribute to Social Media
Datas de lançamento personalizadas
Relatórios de vendas para download
Pre-saves & Smartlinks
Auto-release to new platforms
Advanced reporting
Editorial and Playlist Consideration
Custom iTunes pricing
Custom Release Regions
Nome do rótulo personalizado
Oportunidades promocionais
Lançamentos de compilação
Early Access to New Features
Number of Artists 1 3 10+


MusicDigi is easy to work with and it's easy to overview and fast and also the team management is cool:)
— ADAM2K52 , Artist
MusicDigi is overall a great platform. Very helpful and easy to work with. The love is genuine with MusicDigi and I feel like they overall just want to help. I am thankful to work with them.
— CNG , Artist
MusicDigi me ha permitido distribuir mi música a nivel internacional , dándome las facilidades para ello.
— King Dest , Artist
So thankful I stumbled upon MusicDigi.. it makes releasing my music a much more consistent process!
— Mark Stokes , Artist